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One of the first things my first business coach, Carrie Wilkerson, told me was to be sure to update my headshot every year. “You don’t want to show up at a business meeting or conference and have people not recognize you!” That proved to be true for a woman who was in our online coaching group that year. She showed up at our conference finale and we really had to struggle to know who she was.

You may think you have a current image so no worries. The group photo from that conference you attended a couple years back where you cropped out your coworkers has served you pretty well. After all, you were rocking that power business suit. What more could anyone ask for?  A LOT actually.

Here are just a few reasons to have your headshot updated now:

1. You’re ready to present your best self to the world.


2. You’ve aged.

Okay, I have to call out Phil here. For his bio, he was going to use an image that was taken over 10 years ago. He said it still looked like him. I said “no”. Our assistant just laughed. New headshots are now on his list.

3. You got a new job!

Remember, that photo is going on your business cards!

4. You’re job-searching.

You want to look professional and be recognizable when you show up for your first interview!

5. Your current headshot is a selfie!

Ummmm, no.

6. You changed your hairstyle!

If your cool new do is up-to-date, then you want your photo to reflect that!

7. It’s the end of the summer and your skin is glowing.

We all look great with that little extra glow.

8. You started a blog and need to look professional.

Your “About” section should always have a recent professional photo of you so that people know who is behind the stories on your blog.

9. You’ve lost (or gained) weight.

Again, people need to be able to recognize you. Plus if you’ve gained weight, and they’re used to see the photo of you while thin, they’re probably going to comment to someone about that.

10. New images get attention on social media.

Even better than selfies, new headshots bring compliments and attract attention. Ask your followers which one they like best.

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